Friday, October 29, 2010

Update: CoolTerm v1.3.0

I'm happy to announce that CoolTerm v1.3.0 has finally been released today. Many thanks to all the beta testers for the helpful feedback! Here is what's new:

New features:
  • Added a transmit line delay option which adds a specified delay after certain characters such as new line characters (configurable).
  • Added a transmit character delay option (configurable).
  • Added a "Connection/Send Break" menu item for sending serial breaks.
  • Added the option to play a notification sound after a text file has been sent.
  • Added auto-connect feature.
  • Added the .hex file extension to the "Text Files" file type set (for the "Send Text File" dialog).
  • It is now possible to have default settings loaded at startup and when a new terminal window is opened. If a settings file exsists in the application folder of CoolTerm, it will be applied to new terminal windows.
  • Added a menu item to save current settings as default settings.
  • Pressing ENTER or RETURN in the connection settings dialog now envokes the "Ok" button, even if a textfield is currently selected.
  • Pressing ESC in the connection settings dialog now envokes the "Cancel" button, even if a textfield is currently selected.
  • Pressing Shift+ENTER or Shift+RETURN now invokes the "Send" button in "Send String" windows.
  • Improved handling of command line arguments.
  • The values for "Receive Buffer Size" and the character and line delays are now limited to a range from 0 to a maximum value (2,147,483,647 and 10,000, respectively).
  • When a "Send String" window is opened, the text field now receives focus automatically.
  • Improved exception handling and error reporting.
  • Improved behavior of the command history buffer and menu.
  • GUI improvements.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed opening multiple "Save As..." for the same Terminal window dialogs on Windows.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a StackOverflow on serial port errors due to calling port.flush
  • Fixed bug that could cause a crash when sending empty strings via a "Send String" window.
  • (Win) Fixed issue that would allow the terminal window to be activated via the taskbar when the connection options window is open.
  • Several minor bug fixes.
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